I didn't get as much time at my sewing machine as I had planned, and I "blame" it all on the SUN.
If you've read here before I'm longing for the sun almost all the time. And after this winter I really do. For the last couple of weeks we've actually have had quite much sun but there's also been a strong and cold wind so it hasn't been very pleasant outside.
But on friday it was! No wind and actually quite warm, so I sat outside quite late crocheting.
Later in the evening I did finish a bag for a friend's birthday.
It looks as if they are a theme for me right now because it's the third I've done so far.
Here is the second for another friend.

I've also finished the second pair of socks in the same yarn as before, but they don't look quite the same as the previous pair.
And I have to show you a spectacular sunset from last week.