
måndag 23 juli 2012

My very first

Here you have my very first attempt of a hexie. It's also a sneek peek for one of the swap's I'm in.

I've wanted to try hexies for a long time but have thought they would be difficult. They're not difficult at all when you've done the preparation and are ready to sew. I will most certainly make some more!

3 kommentarer:

Rosemary Dickinson sa...

So pretty! Great job! Doesn't look like your first one, looks like you've been making them for awhile!

frisky frog sa...

Snyggt! Jag började på ett barntäcke en gång, men det blev aldrig klart och nu är det försent för babyn tog studenten nyligen. Jag beundrar er som har tålamodet.

Miss Hillbilly sa...

They are fun aren't they?