I can't show what I was sewing because it's for Kerry in the Quilting Block Swaps Australia. I wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for her so you have to wait for that one.
And then I continued on my HVIRVELSTRØM. I've almost finished the arms. This is the arms together with a piece of the back, even if it looks like a snake for now!
I've been lucky lately and have won this beautiful package of Tonga treats from Kate over at Two Little Banshees. Thankyou so very much Kate, the fabrics are divine!
And after that I had a PIF gift in my letterbox. It's from Irene over at Lappegal. Thankyou very much Irene, I still haven't decided if it's going to hang in the hallway for mittens and stuff or by my computer and keep things I have to have nearby!

So now it's my turn for a PIF (paying it forward).
If you want to be the recipient of my PiF gift, all you have to do is to be one of the three first people to leave a comment on this blog post, and I will send you a handmade gift within the next 12 months.
What you have to do in return is to pay it forward to three other people, and so it goes on.
The good thing is I will send it all over the world!